Nov 19, 2010


Thanks for all the button advice! I've been finished with the "February Lady" sweater for several months, and been able to wear it for a month or two, since it got colder. On our way out the door to Lyceum today, a willing daughter snapped a couple of shots of it for me. I love its thick and cozy warmth!
More FO's coming soon as soon as they are clean again, and I can get a decent photo.
And..also a surprise craft.


Tammy said...

Looks great! I love the color. Must be nice to be able to wear wool! ;)

Free Range Chick said...

It looks beautiful and the color is just perfect.

Velvet said...

I do love this sweater you've knitted. It also looks beautiful on a lady who is beautiful lady. It's me Emily Denault in case your wondering who Velvet is(which is my middle name)

Velvet said...

Lol...darn computer...I messed up my comment,I knew I had repeated myself,and meant to erase! Anyway you know what I meant to say. Talk to you soon.