I finished my first quilt!
The pattern is beautiful and the help given is class was invaluable. I chose the fabrics with a little help from my kids, and love the wild result. It was made for my new niece, E. She isn't so terribly new anymore but I hope she will be able to use it often!

It was so fun, I am making another one, a different quilt pattern in pretty blues and greens and browns. My friend Tracy may never get her sewing machine back!!

For all those outside the immediate area: you wouldn't believe the weather here. For the last month, we have had many warm (85 deg) and sunny days, and many snowy days.
This squirrel seemed to be soaking up the sun. He sat there on the deck rail for along time, but had his laid laying flat over his whole back. The wind would lift up the tip of the tail, but it was quite a strange sight.
With so much winter still hanging on, I am thinking about planting still. Here's what the planting pods looked like after they were watered. I put seeds from last year's garden in it, as well as some new seeds.

Then they sprouted. The magic of seeds never fails to impress me. I can tell what we've got - several tomato plants, cilantro, basil, lemon basil, lettuce, and cherry tomato.

Still...while these baby plants grow inside, tenderly cared for, every few days, we get one of these snowy evenings.