Oct 5, 2006

Perspective (and celebrity sightings)

To everything there is a time and a season under heaven. Well, for me and mine this has not been a time of blogging, but instead has been the time for our family to love and serve my dad. He's in hospice care and we are pulling together to make this a special time for all of us.

This has left time for sitting by his bedside, talking about options for his health, seeing nurses and doctors, making healthy meals for him, reading to my children, knitting (of course) and generally keeping close to home (and mom and dad's home). While these events were rumbling through our lives, my wonderful husband has been fighting the fires here in So Cal and was at work for a whole week and a half! He's home now - whew! With all that and new floors being installed in our own home, we have been a little stretched!

This is why I have been so very blessed to call on my good friends and to have them pour out their compassion (in the form of entertainment for our kids, companionship, meals, phone calls , starbucks, and even compulsive yarn buying with me - thanks Tammy) on me. I love the reminders to think about what is true, pure, lovely, etc, and the reminders that we are all in the hands of our trustworthy, loving Lord. Please pray for us in the blessed and trying time.

On a lighter note...I did get an extra bonus last week as I left park day with me kids. We stopped at the LYS to return some Noro Silk Garden and a funny circular needle and ...I saw a knitting celebrity! While I gushed and babbled like a starstruck oaf, this wonderful maven of the knitting world, Wendy, chatted with my kids and behaved as graciously as possible. Sorry you missed it, Tammy!

Now, it is far, far too late at night and I am wanting to show off my socks that I just finished:

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Great job on your first socks!! And I have officially learned my lesson. Next time you want me to drop by the LYS after park day I promise to say "YES". I still can't believe I missed Wendy. sigh