Nov 7, 2007

I Can't Knit Nothin' Right!

I can't seem to be able to do any knitting worth finishing right now. This post will be short, but anything but sweet (I've been waiting to post until I have something nice to say and I've given up).
To start with, River Rocks socks are just simply too big. I ignored the largish size for awhile, but it's clear, now that I've almost finished. So I stopped it 2 weeks ago. Now it just sits. UFO. Then my beloved Mrs. Greenjeans was looking soooo good, until I tried it on again. Too loose up top and too tight around hips. I'll have to frog the whole thing? Maybe just the bottom? No, whole thing. Then my Fences blanket is going beautifully, if you forget the fact that I've mis-counted twice and had to take three rows out twice. Three rows of 199 stitches with yarn that likes to untwist if you encourage it at all. Now don't get me is the best yarn for this purpose. I really like the yarn, Berrocco Comfort, for this project. It is machine washable and dryable. It is soft and squishy. But I am an idiot. I can't count to three consistently.

I think I am in a funk. Oh, and now I am not sure I like Lady Eleanor being so wide. I wanted a stole, not a blanket. Umph.

Sorry no pictures. I can't bear it.


Tammy said...


Sorry your in a knit slump. Fortunately they are usually shor-lived!

Free Range Chick said...

I hate it when I hit a knitting slump. I hope yours turns sunny soon.