Apr 6, 2007

WIPs, frogging, casting on and off

Can you see log cabin blanket I started a few months ago? The poor thing has been sitting there waiting for me to frog it. This is what can happen if you don't plan well. I didn't get enough variety of yarn before I started. It was going to look too much like alternate stripes. Yuk. The reason that I am showing it now is because I wanted a record. I did love it.
I'll start again soon. I bought more colors.
The LYS started carrying Lorna's Laces last month. This is what is awaiting me. Yum. Tomorrow I will show the results of a sale at that store. I knocked 'em dead and I took no prisoners!

I have cast on the Lady Eleanor Stole again. I have gotten a little farther than the picture shows. I can't wait to wrap myself in it. I just wish Noro didn't have so many little peices of hay and junk in its yarn!
This is my new sock. It's for the same daughter that gets the "Huge-ness". Hopefully this one will fit the intended recipient. Considering my personality bent, maybe not. I can always take heart that it will fit someone. Right?

This sounds suspiciously like a knitting personality described by SPMcF in the new book:
Well, I am casting off for now.

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