Pure powder snow for sledding on our second snow day. This is a local homeschooling mom's "secret place" and it was perfect! Here we are, ready to GO!
Here's #2 with the powder flying, and into her face! Soft and glorious!
The train tracks down below is another picture in which I pretend I am a photographer...I just couldn't resist.
No manipulating of the image at all...this is straight out of the camera.
It was dusk and we were going home after hot chocolate and MacGyver re-runs at a friend's house and we crossed the tracks....I actually stopped and reversed in a very snowy road just to get this photo from the car. We didn't get stuck, thankfully.
You gather one gallon of fresh snow. Then mix together 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tsp vanilla, thoroughly incoroporating the sugar. The pour all over the snow, mixing it very well. Eat...wonderful!
Lucky. i wish we had snow.
Have we ever talked about train tracks? Ya gotta warn me about pictures like this.
Gorgeous! Fun! What a day. Wish we could visit.
She warned you not to use yellow snow too, right? hehehe....
you need some snow pants!
you should add some yellow food dye for fun :-)
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