Jan 27, 2009

Snow Day

Today was a snow day. it was around 20 degrees, for a high. Not uncommon, but snow is more rare to us so far here:
If you click on the pictures, you can see the snow coming down. It still is.
The plows are doing their job and the roads are fairly clear. We just haven't had much actual snow this year here...so we were ready for it!Besides some fun playing in the snow outside, we went to a local park with hills. #3 brought his new sled from Gram.
#2 shared a friend's sled, above.DH and #4 had a blast going down...even though his face doesn't show it.#1 was flying down the hill, fast....she had just hit a bump and her head and feet both flew up, hair flying.
I wish I'd been able to catch this shot better....#3 is going very fast and is very happy.


Lydee said...

I like the last shot; it's full of action! good pics. I've just been staying inside keeping warm!

km said...

Oh what fun. I've got to make it a priority for my kids to see snow. They've never seen it!