Sep 10, 2007

On the "Ragwagon"

Well, it has caught on here. Dishrags, washcloths and the like have caught my fancy.

Daughter #1 has even caught it as well.

I love the immediacy of them. Start...done! Then use! Fulfills all my immediate knitting gratification desires.

A desire which hasn't been indulged lately is reading for pleasure. I've picked up several books, but haven't had much time due a WONDERFUL class I am taking.

What class? Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is the name and I am taking it for College Credit. Me! I haven't taking anything for college credit in almost 20 years! Fortunately, the reading is engaging and I have a vested interest in the subject...but non-fiction reading is challenging for me and there is LOTS. Really, lots!
Have any of you taken this class? What did you think?

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